Book Reading. After Bill, Amanda, and I went garage sale-ing about a month ago, my book pile for the summer has grown enormously! I, unfortunately, have not even been able to hit the library yet. But awaiting me I have everything from
East of Eden to
I know Why the Caged Bird Sings- I can't wait to sit out on the hammock!
Out to Lunch. Being a teacher, I never get to go out to lunch (it being only 25 minutes) and so it's a special treat during the summer to get to go to lunch with my friends, especially my teacher friends. I already have a list of new places I want to go, and I think Kate and I will be heading to Donny Mac's Trailer this week!
Workouts with the Today Show. Today I began my new summer routine of going to the gym and watching my favorite summer tv: Today Show! I figured I might as well work out because I would just be at home sitting on the couch watching it:)
Pool Time. With the nasty weather, I am sad to report I have yet to have some quality pool time (at my parents house). There is nothing better than getting a tan, reading a book, and being out by the pool. I still have a couple more days until the weather clears up . . .
Naps. Summer naps are the best. I can get up early (which I don't have to set my alarm for, it automatically happens) and get stuff done around the house, errands, etc, and then head back to bed for a little summer nap. Just talking about it is making me sleepy!