Apostrophe Protection Society? Can you believe there is such a thing? Google it! I am an English teacher, I should know. I am no grammarian, but it is my mission to change grammar, punctuation and spelling errors, one rule at a time. . . (By the way, the comma is only optional in that last sentence between the words punctuation and and.)
My class came across an article how in Birmingham, England, the city has decided to do away with apostrophes on their street signs. Apparently they (Birmingham) could not decide if certain streets should be labeled King's Norton or Kings' Norton. Hmm?
My class also found that Jeff Deck, an editor, has made it his mission to travel the U.S. and fix errors on billboards and signs posted in front of businesses. So far he has traveled 5,000 miles! He carries markers, crayons, and even white-out, asking store managers to help them out!
All this research on grammar led me to the actual website of the Apostrophe Protection Society and then to joining "Apostrophe Catastrophe" on FaceBook. I'm helpless! I blame it on Lynne Truss- because now I'm reading her book Eats, Shoots, and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation.
Maybe my calling really IS to be an English teacher!
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