It's not like I need something new to do, but seriously, Antiques Roadshow, has me hooked! I have now become enamored with antiques and not collecting, but learning. I love looking at vintage jewelry, furniture, plates, tea cups, art, etc. So I went to the library to feed my obsession and checked out many large books on the subject. I soon discovered that there is no possible way to learn about ALL antiques, but that I will have to choose one area that I will focus my interest (and hunt at yard sales for finds so I can go on the show and say, "I only bought this for $10 and it's worth a thousand!" Oh that would be joy!
My mom has antique booths all over the place. She has an obsession. Our house was full of antiques. I hated it growing up and said I would NEVER have antiques or a love for them. Now, I do. Thanks mom! :) Enjoy your new book!