When my grandfather retired, he bought a boat. The way my father tells the story is that grandmommy was doing a crossword puzzle and came across the word “rara avis”. That was it! The boat would be named “rara avis”. I asked my dad if he knew what it meant and he thought they had all looked up at some point that it meant “wild and crazy bird”, when my dad and I checked the dictionary definition it said “something or someone strange or unusual or a unique bird.” The only time I have ever heard it is when we refer to the boat- I should try to use it more often!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
What's in a Name?
This weekend I got to chat with my brother and I found out about my name! It's funny how these things happen. . . my mom liked the name Victoria (and wanted to call me 'Tori') my dad liked the name Kelly, but I when I was born they said I didn't look like those names. My brother suggested Kristy. It's funny because that is where I thought the story ended. . . come to find out this weekend my brother told me that he had a crush on TV movie star Kristy McNichol, and that is where he got the name!
I did some research on Ms. McNichol and come to find out she played in the TV series Empty Nest and guest starred in TV shows such as Love Boat, Bionic Woman, Golden Girls, and Starsky and Hutch.
How cool to be named after a TV star!
I did some research on Ms. McNichol and come to find out she played in the TV series Empty Nest and guest starred in TV shows such as Love Boat, Bionic Woman, Golden Girls, and Starsky and Hutch.
How cool to be named after a TV star!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Fashion Trends

As a middle school teacher, it is always interesting for me to see what is going to be the latest trends of the year. Before school gets out, some of my students have allowed me to take pictures of them wearing "fashionable things of 2009". I will also be scrapbooking this!
* Plaid shorts
* tiny ribbons for hair (see picture)
* Sweatshirts with thumb holes
These are the things I have noticed the most consistently throughout the year. It is funny to think about fashion trends. When these kids grow up will they dress 80's or 70's or will there be a new category including early 2000's?
It also makes me think about the things I wore in 6th grade! Oh goodness! We pegged our pants, had hammer pants, and a bunch of other horrible things I blocked out! There are some things that I hope DON'T come around again!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Through the generations
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
A Special Day

For those of you who don't know, Bill asked me to marry him at the Mona Lisa Restaurant (in Nampa) on May 12, 2007. It is a very romantic place- especially to us. Every year we go back to the Mona Lisa in May to celebrate! This year was especially great because we were seated in the same booth that we got engaged in- it must have been meant to be!
Monday, May 25, 2009
My First Sale. . .
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I'm in a Chaim Potok Phase. . .
I must be speaking a foreign language to some of you, but to those of you who know the author, Chaim Potok, who wrote The Chosen that is who I am talking about. At a library book sale I picked up three of his books (technically five, because I bought two of the same book and one of the books I already owned) I don't know why, but his books mesmerize me and I find the Jewish culture intriguing. Right now I am in the middle of My Name is Asher Lev. Can anyone else relate to this fascination? I hope I'm not alone!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Happy 30th Julie!

Happy Birthday to one of my best friends and one of the people I've known the longest! I can't say that I've known and been friends with very many people since I was three years old!
Julie and I met in preschool in California and probably have our moms to thank for letting us keep in touch until we were actually able to. We then went to the same elementary school (Go Vikings!) and were separated in 2nd grade when a new teacher arrived (it was dramatic!). Before 6th grade started, I left to move to Idaho and Julie moved to Texas in high school. Somehow we managed to visit each other ever year- taking turns between Texas and Idaho through Jr. High and High school.
As we got older the visits got farther between the years, but thank goodness for cell phones and emails! We were both in each others' weddings and I've met her first daughter.
Somehow the Lord has kept us together and I know I can call her for anything. We have been friends for 27 years!
Happy 30th birthday to my very oldest friend! I wish you all the happiness in the world!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
It's My Mom's Day!

Happy Mother's Day Mom! You deserve a day that is all about you:) Thanks for always being there for me and teaching me important life lessons and proverbs, many of them I am able to use in my classroom and pass on to future generations. . .
- Because I said so
- Do as I say, not as I do
- If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all
- Don't make that face or it'll freeze in that position.
- When you have your own house then you can dirty as many cups as you want (oh wait, that one was just for me!)
Friday, May 8, 2009
Happy Birthday Sweetheart!

Today the love of my life turns. . . 39! I can't believe it! We have spent the last two birthdays together and they have been wonderful! Last night we went out to dinner to Red Robin (without the singing) and tonight we celebrate with a pork bbq dinner, corn on the cob, baked potatoes, and Bill's favorite birthday dessert: red devil's food cake with peanut butter frosting (he has had it EVERY year of his life!) He even took some cupcakes in to share with his class (Thankfully, no one was allergic to PB- we checked:)
Happy Birthday babe! I am so lucky that I married you!
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